Designing inclusive spaces and services

The inclusive design of spaces, services, products, and solutions is based on science, data, and individual experiences. The process of inclusive design centers on the needs and engagement of persons who are the ultimate users. It is based on thorough analysis of their priorities and monitoring of their experiences and well-being.

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Design thinking for DE&I

Designing Inclusive Spaces


Mature organizations plan their activities to best address the needs of their clients while ensuring the well-being and productivity of their employees. Designing and improving client services and organizational procedures requires careful consideration of the comfort and priorities of multiple heterogenous groups. This process poses challenges, especially for diverse and remotely-working teams facing the realities of the VUCA world (a world characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity).

Odpowiedzią na te wyzwania jest zidentyfikowanie różnorodności i angażowanie osób pracujących i współpracujących, a często też klientów i klientek w projektowanie działań organizacji. Ludzie, dla których pracujemy i z którymi pracujemy najlepiej znają odpowiedzi na pytania o ich własne potrzeby. Włączenie ich w kształtowanie organizacji jest gwarancją tego, że wybierzemy właściwe kierunki rozwoju. Design thinking to podejście do szeroko rozumianego projektowania, które pozwala nam nie stracić z oczu ważnych dla naszej organizacji ludzi z bogactwem ich różnorodności. Jednocześnie jest to metoda dająca zestaw praktycznych narzędzi, dzięki którym każda osoba może być w włączona w proces projektowy. To inkluzywne narzędzie dzięki któremu z naszym wsparciem realizujecie założenia polityki DE&I.

Realizowanie procesów projektowych, w których oddajemy głos wielu różnym członkom i członkiniom zespołu to także gwarancja minimalizowania ryzyka podjęcia nietrafionych decyzji. Stopniowe budowanie kultury pracy opartej o wspólne projektowanie rozwiązań, to kierunek w którym podąża coraz więcej organizacji na całym świecie. Tak zwane design-driven organizations to największe firmy technologiczne, ale też instytucje publiczne czy podmioty społeczne.

  • Designing and implementing services or solutions that address the needs of underrepresented, marginalized, or disengaged groups.
  • Engaging diverse stakeholders in the project management process.
  • Linking DE&I policies with your organization’s project management culture.
  • Gaining competence regarding prototyping and testing services for diverse users.

Selected benefits:

Our offerings include trainings, consultations, and design thinking project management services. The aim of the latter includes generating tangible solutions for your company and its diverse stakeholders. Moreover, working together allows for on-the-spot verification of the design thinking method principles, as well as for gaining hands-on experience in design thinking methods of project management.

Designing Inclusive Spaces

For a long time, architectural planning — be it office design, housing accommodations, or communal areas — has been oblivious to the needs and desires of individuals. Even when the designers of offices or public areas have incorporated ideas of ergonomics or effectiveness, they were typically doing so to address or satisfy the property owners’ notions of these concepts, rather than relying on the data gauging the needs of most users. Inequalities, social hierarchies, and stereotypes regarding the physical and mental abilities of a “standard” user were all built into spaces’ architectural designs.

  • Understanding how your office space reflects your organizational culture and how to reshape it to make it more inclusive.
  • Improving communication and cooperation through space rearrangements.
  • Improving users’ sense of belonging and their wellbeing through space rearrangements.
  • Understanding how space architecture affects teams and team collaboration.
  • Diagnosing space/architectural constraints on sense of belonging.
  • Training decision-making personnel on the principles of inclusive designs.
  • Redesigning and reorganizing office space to ensure inclusivity and foster positive effects on employee psychological and physical well-being.
  • Rearranging your space to adjust to post-COVID-19 circumstances.

Architecture (e.g., buildings and communal areas), however, has a substantial impact on quality of life. It can enhance or weaken one’s sense of belonging and safety, promote or inhibit one’s mobility, and strengthen or weaken one’s psychological and physical health and well-being. After all, we experience space differently depending on age, gender, culture, and types of physical and mental abilities.

Inclusive architecture is focused on addressing the needs of persons living with disabilities and neurodiverse persons. It promotes their engagement, agency, and their sense of belonging in organizations or public spaces. Inclusive designs are based the idea that space should reflect the diversity of its members and users.

Selected benefits:

Our offerings include trainings, consultations, and architectural design project management.

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